Vasily Pestun Permanent Professor
My research is in the field of mathematical physics, quantum field theory and string theory. I explore non-perturbative methods such as localization and integrability in strongly interacting quantum field theories.
Other publications
V. Pestun, Y. Vlassopoulos 2017-10-27
V. Pestun, J.Terilla, Y. Vlassopoulos 2017-11-04
Invited conference talks
Organizer of
"Localization Techniques in Quantum Field Theories" ,
January 16 - February 16, 2018, Stony Brook, USA
Winter School
in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, Jan 7 - Jan 12, 2018
Localization in geometry and QFTs -
String-Math 2017, Hamburg, July 24 - 28
Periodic monopoles and quiver W-algebra -
Math Physics meeting, Amsterdam, March 07, 2017
Quivers and q-Langlands -
Edinburgh, UK, workshop "Quantum fields, knots and integrable system", Feb 28, 2017
Quiver gauge theories and integrable systems - DESY theory workshop "Rethinking Quantum Field Theory", Sep 27 - 30, 2016
Quantum moduli spaces and quantum algebras - String 2016, Beijing, Aug 04, 2016
Moduli spaces, instantons, monopoles and Quantum Algebras - Supersymmetric theories, dualities and deformations conference, Bern, Jul 04 - Jul 06, 2016
Quiver W-algebras - Weyl prize lecture on 31 International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Rio de Janeiro, June 19-25, 2016
Algebraic structures on the moduli spaces in gauge theories - Institut Henri Poincare, Number Theory and Physics conference, May 24, 2016
Quiver W-algebras - String-Math 2015, Yau Mathematical Science Center, Dec 31,
Quiver W-algebras - Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, July 30, 2015
Quantization of integrable systems of periodic monopoles - SCGP, Stony Brook, USA, Nov 11, 2014
Gauge theory and q-characters - SCGP, Stony Brook, USA, Oct 2, 2014
Supersymmetric localization and equivariant cohomology of quantum field theories - Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia, Sep 12, 2014
Gauge theories and quantum geometry - CERN, Switzerland, August 18, 2014
Gauge theories, quantum algebras and integrable systems - Perimeter Institute, Canada, Apr 25, 2014
Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories in Five and Six Dimensions - CFT and Integrability, Seoul, Dec 16, 2013
Quiver gauge theories and quantum groups - Euler Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Oct 4, 2013
Integrability, supersymmetry, and conformal field theory - Integrability in Gauge and String Theory, Utrecht, August 22, 2013
From instanton functions to quantum groups - Euler Institute, St. Petersburg, RussiaJuly 13, 2013
Exact results in supersymmetric theories in curved backgrounds - Perimeter Institute, Canada Mar 3, 2013
New Mathematical Structures in Supersymmetric Gauge Theory - SCGP, Stony Brook, NY, Nov 12, 2012
The four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories in Omega background and quantum spin chains - Berlin, Germany, Aug 30, 2012
N=2 ADE quiver gauge theories and integrable systems - Zurich, Switzerland, Aug 21, 2012
Integrable systems for 4d N=2 ADE quiver theories from instanton counting - XVII International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Aalborg, Denmark Aug 6, 2012
Instant on partition functions of N=2 quiver gauge theories and integrable systems - Max Planck Institute, Bonn, Germany, July 18, 2012
Seiberg-Witten curves for N=2 quiver gauge theories - London, UK, May 4, 2012
Seiberg-Witten geometry of N=2 d=4 superconformal quiver theories from instanton calculus - Osaka, Japan, Apr 3, 2012
Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories - Munich, Germany, Feb 28, 2012
Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories - Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, Jan 13, 2012
Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories - Princeton, NJ, Nov 11, 2011
Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories - Nordita Institute, Stockholm, Nov 2011
Localization of the path integrals in supersymmetric QFTs on spaces with isometries - Brussels, Belgium, May 19, 2011
Localization for ’t Hooft loops in 4d N=2 theories - Strings 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, June 29, 2011
Exact results for loop operators in 4d gauge theories - DESY, Germany, Nov 29, 2010
Localization for circular t Hooft operators in N = 2 gauge theory on S4 - Langlands type dualities in quantum field theory, KITP, Aug 2010
Review of Omega backgrounds (1, 2) Simons Workshop, Stony Brook, NY, Aug 2010
Supersymmetric ’t Hooft loops in N=4 SYM, localization and instantons in 2d YM - New Mathematical Methods in Quantum Gauge Theories,Aspen Center for
Physics, Jul 2010
Supersymmetric ’t Hooft loops in N=4 SYM, localization and instantons in 2d YM - Perspectives, Open Problems and Applications of Quantum Liouville
Theory, Stony Brook, Mar 29, 2010
Loop operators in N=4 SYM, pure spinors and 2d gauge theory - Workshop on Poisson sigma models, Lie algebroids, deformations and
higher analogues, ESI, Vienna, Sep 2007
An exact localization of non-twisted supersymmetric theories - Generalized Geometry, DESY, Germany, Feb 19, 2007
Topological strings in generalized complex space - Workshop on Gromov-Witten theory, MSRI, CA, May 2006
Topological strings in generalized complex space - Simons Workshop, Stony Brook, NY, Aug 19, 2005
The generalized Hitchin functionals and the topological B-model - Princeton String symposium, Princeton, Apr 8, 2005
The Hitchin functionals and Kodaira-Spencer gravity at one loop - Quantum strings and fields, Dombay, Russia, Aug 2003
Exact solutions of super Yang-Mills matrix model: arbitrary gauge group - Quantum Particles, Fields and Strings, Baku, Azerbaijan, Sep 2002
The constraint on Cachazo-Intriligator-Vafa prepotential
Invited department talks
Berkeley String-Math seminar, Nov 27, 2017
Periodic Monopoles and q-Opers -
ETH Zurich, Nov 9, 2017
Periodic monopoles and q-Opers -
ETH Zurich, Nov 7, 2017
Non-simply laced q-deformed W-algebras from fractional instantons - Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, March 22, 2017
Quiver W-algebras - University of Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 16, 2017
Quivers, Monopoles and q-geometric Langlandss - University of Heidelberg, Germany, Jan 19, 2017
Gauge theories, moduli spaces and quantum algebras - University Paris VII Math Department Seminar, Oct 14, 2016
Instantons, monopoles, quivers and W-algebras - ETH Zurich Mathematical Physics Seminar, Apr 28, 2016
Quiver W-algebras - The University of Angers Colloquium, Apr 01, 2016
Localization in gauge theories - Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Seminar, Mar 03, 2016
Geometric and algebraic structures in gauge theories - Columbia University, Math Dept Seminar, Feb 22, 2016
Quiver W-algebras - University of Kentucky, Phys Dept Seminar, Feb 15, 2016
Quiver W-algebras - University of Cambridge, HEP-GR Colloquium, Nov 18, 2015
Localization, supersymmetry, and integrability - University of Montpellier, France, Nov 12, 2015
Quantum algebras in gauge theories - Yale University, Oct 9, 2015
Quiver sheaves and W-algebras - University Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, Jan 16, 2015
Quantum integrability in supersymmetric gauge theories - Institute of Physics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Oct 20, 2014
Gauge theories and quantum groups - University of Michigan, USA, Feb 5, 2014
Quantum geometry and quiver gauge theories - KIAS, Seoul, Dec 16, 2013
Quiver gauge theories and quantum integrable systems - Mitchel Institute, Texas AM, Apr 16, 2013
ADE quiver theories and quantum integrable systems - Perimeter Institute Mar 6, 2013
Non-perturbative problems in gauge theories: N = 2 quiver QCD - Harvard University, Feb 27, 2013
Non-perturbative problems in gauge theories: N=2 quiver QCD - Cornell University, Feb 8, 2013
Non-perturbative problems in gauge theories: N=2 quiver QCD - University of California, Berkeley, Feb 5, 2013
Hidden symmetries of the vacua in supersymmetric gauge theories - Chicago University Jan 23, 2013
Quantum symmetries of vacua in supersymmetric gauge theories - Northwestern University, Jan 22, 2013
Moduli spaces of instantons and quantum groups - Rutgers University, NJ, Nov 13, 2012
The N=2 quiver gauge theories and ADE spinchains - Uppsala, Sweden, Oct 3, 2012
McKay correspondence and the partition functions of 4d N=2 gauge theories - SCGP, Stony Brook, NY, Sep 27, 2012
Supersymmetric Four-dimensional Quiver Gauge Theories and Quantum ADE Spin Chains - Berkeley, CA, Feb 21, 2012
Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories - Caltech, CA Feb 15, 2012
Instanton calculus in quiver gauge theories - Northeastern University, MA Oct 13, 2010
From topological quiver gauge theories to spectral curves of integrable systems - IHES, Paris, June 3, 2010
Superymmetric loop operators in gauge theories and localization - LPTHE, Paris, June 1, 2010
Loop operators in N=4 SYM, pure spinors and 2d gauge theory - ITFA, Amsterdam, May 31, 2010
Loop operators in N=4 SYM, pure spinors and 2d gauge theory - ULB, Brussels, Apr 22, 2009
Conformally supersymmetric Wilson loops in N=4 super Yang-Mills - McGill University, Montreal, Jan 27, 200
Superconformal Wilson loop operators and exact computations in the N=4 super Yang-Mills - Nordita Institute, Sweden, Nov 20, 2008
Exact results for Wilson loop operators in super symmetric gauge theories - Stony Brook, NY, Sep 10, 2008
Supersymmetric Wilson loops in four-dimensional gauge theories and localization - Perimeter Institute, Canada Apr 29, 2008 Exact results for supersymmetric Wilson loops in four-dimensional N = 2 and N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory
- Rutgers University, NJ, Jan 22, 2008
Localization of gauge theory: exact results for circular supersymmetric Wilson loop operators - Institute for Advanced Study Oct 5, 2007
Localization of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Circular Wilson Loop Operator - University of Uppsala, Sweden, Feb 26, 2007
Topological strings in generalized complex space - Northwestern University, IL, Nov 2, 2006
Topological strings in generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds - University of Chicago, IL, Apr 5, 2006
Topological strings in generalized complex space - Rutgers University, NJ Jan 17, 2006
Generalized complex structures, Lie bialgebroids and topological strings - IHES, Paris May 22, 2005
Quantization of Hitchin functionals and Kodaira-Spencer gravity - Harvard University Apr 30, 2005
Hitchin functional and the topological B-model at one loop - University of Madison, WI Apr 19, 2005
The Hitchin functionals and the topological B-model at one loop - University of Uppsala, Sweden, Oct 2002
The partition function of super Yang-Mills matrix model for any gauge group
- Les Houches Physics Summer School, Jun 29 - Jul 01, 2016
3 lectures "Localization in N=2 supersymmetric field theories" - Institut Henri Poincare, String-Math trimester course, 3 lectures, May 2 - May 6, 2016
Localization in gauge theory - HSE Winter school on integrable systems and representation theory, Moscow, Jan 29 - Feb 03, 2016
5 lectures on "Supersymmetric localization" - Theoretical Problems of Physics of Fundamental Interactions, St. Petersburg, Jul 27-28, 2015 Lectures on supersymmetric localization, 4.5 hours
- IHES, France Oct 7-28, 2014 Quantum gauge theories and integrable systems, 8 hours
- Arnold Sommerfeld Center, Munich, Germany, August 11-22, 2014 Quantum integrable systems and gauge theories, 4 hours
- Northwestern University, USA, May 12-23, 2014 Quantum groups and quantum field theory, 4 hours
- Geometry of Strings and Fields, Galileo Institute, Italy, Sep 2, 2013 Localization of supersymmetric QFT on curved background, 6 hours
Seminars in Paris area
- 2008 Ph.D. in Physics, Princeton University
- Thesis: Wilson loops in supersymmetric gauge theories
- Advisor: Edward Witten, IAS
- 2003 B.S. & M.S. in Physics ( summa cum laude ) MIPT, Moscow
- 2016 Hermann Weyl Prize
- 2008-2011 Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows
- 2007-2008 Porter Ogden Jacobus Fellowship, Princeton University
- 2003-2008 Centennial Fellowship, Princeton University
- 2003 Joseph Henry Merit Prize, Princeton University
- 2003 Pomeranchuk Fellowship, ITEP
- 2000 Academic Council Fellowship, MIPT
- 1997 Russian Federation President Fellowship
- 1998 ISSEP Soros Fellowship
- 1997 Gold Medal, 28th International Physics Olympiad
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant at Princeton University 2004-2007
- PHY 305 Advanced Quantum Mechanics II
- PHY 106 Advanced Electromagnetism
- PHY 105 Advance Mechanics
- PHY 406 Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics
- PHY 510 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II (graduate)
- PHY 523 General Relativity (graduate)
- 2001-2003 ITEP-ITP School on Quantum Fields and Strings, Kiev
- 2003 ITEP Winter School, Moscow
- 1998 & 1999 International Physics Olympiad Russian team coach
- 1998-2000 Board of the National Russian Physics Olympiad
- 1998-1999 Board of the International Physics Soros Olympiad
Professional service
- Letters in Mathematical Physics
Referee for
- ZBMath
- Communications in Mathematical Physics
- Letters in Mathematical Physics
- Journal of High Energy Physics
- AMS Mathematical Reviews
- Physical Review D